The Seder Series

Rav Sheftel Weinberg

Rav Sheftel Weinberg

A scion of the dynasty of Chassidus Slonim; cultivated by his Rebbi, Rav Mottel Tzukerman zt"l; molded by his grandfathers Rav Yakov Weinberg zt”l Rosh Hayeshiva of Ner Yisroel and Rav Chaim Stein zt"l Rosh Hayeshiva of Telz; and having breathed in the air of Slabodka from his great-grandfather, Rav Yakov Yitzchak Ruderman zt"l, Rav Sheftel is a truly unique combination of mesorah. Poised and articulate, compounded by a broad education and an analytical mind, has produced a mix that allows him to offer solid, no-nonsense answers, explanations and tools, to his students, enabling them to persevere and grow. Demanding excellence, clarity and knowledge, Rav Sheftel has presented the Torah view on a wide range of subjects, to a broad-spectrum of audiences.